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The unique smart house "muihaus." that strengthens family ties is born in Taku City, Saga Prefecture!
News Release

The unique smart house "muihaus." that strengthens family ties is born in Taku City, Saga Prefecture!

Nov 24, 2022

A house incorporating a digital pillar to engrave family memories is now on sale

A collaborative smart house project between mui Lab and JIBUN HAUS. , "muihaus." which engraves family memories, has been built on Nov. 18 (A day for good house) at the smart town, "SCOLTOWN" in Taku City, Saga Prefecture and are on sale!

"muihaus." is a house that remembers your family memories and strengthens family ties.

"muihaus." is a smart house, but it is not only about convenience; it utilizes the power of technology for a peaceful living. What symbolizes the "muihaus." is the digital "Height Marking in Wood" a pillar-shaped interface, and the wooden "mui Board," a smart home interface. The "Height Marking in Wood" allows users to doodle and record their children's height using a digital pen. By having the "house" remember important memories and daily communication, and recalling and sharing them on anniversaries and at other desired times, family ties can be naturally strengthened. It is expected to become like a pillar of the family, to which one can gradually grow attached over time.

The "mui Board" displays daily weather and local notifications, controls lighting and air conditioning, and has a handwritten message function to convey daily messages and thoughts among family members. The natural presence of the "mui Board" erases the sense of technology and calmly supports daily routines.

muihaus." was built at the SCOLTOWN in Takuhara city in Saga Prefecture that utilizes cutting-edge technology to revitalize the community. muihaus." will become a symbol of the town and propose a new way to connect families and the community and to urban development.
